Application Form

Please fill in the following form to apply for the Taylor Wimpey Ground Rent Review Assistance Scheme

Contact details

Was the property purchased by a company?

Preferred method of contact

Contact address

This is your correspondence address

Contact email

Contact phone numbers Example:
01234 567 890 (daytime)
07654 321 000 (evening)

Previous application

Have you previously applied for a Deed of Variation?

Property details

Property address

This is the address of the property you purchased from us

Type of the property


Please provide names given at time of purchase


We are committed to protecting your privacy. This notice explains how we will use your personal data. We will process personal data relating to you, any individual involved jointly in an application with you and sometimes people living with you. This personal data will be obtained from you, your joint owner and information obtained from third parties, including legal advisors and the Land Registry.

This personal data will be processed by us in both electronic and manual form. The personal data will be used for: verifying identities; processing your application; to manage our relationship with you and to improve our services. We will provide personal data to third parties in connection with the application process e.g. our legal advisors, the freehold owner of your property.

If you provide to us any personal data relating to a third party individual, usually a joint buyer or person living with you, you confirm and agree that you have the consent and agreement of that third party individual to provide to us their personal data and for us to process it in accordance with this notice.

If you would like us to stop processing any particular personal data then please contact us at our regional office providing us with details. Full details of our Privacy Policy can be found on our website at